Thursday, February 17, 2011

{In the Kitchen} With Coffee and Mocha

Yesterday I was in the kitchen making some coffee soap and mocha too. I made up some coffee a couple of days ahead of time and then after it had cooled a bit, put it in the fridge to keep it fresh, out of the way, and keep its temperature down for when I mixed it with the lye. This is a really simple soap with no colorants (other than the coffee itself) and no essential oil. The top is sprinkled with microground coffee for some scrubbiness for your feet (because we all know Winter is a killer on our skin- especially those feet.

A little about coffee. Coffee is known to promote the appearance of smoother looking skin, especially in places prone to cellulite. Coffe has a PH balance similar to that of the human body, meaning it is better able to clean and performs as an effective astringent.

Take a gander at the Coffee Bar:

Also made that day was Mocha, a sweet side addition to having coffee on hand.

Mocha is 3/4 coffee with a top of chocolate, making delicious mocha. Once again, there are no E.O's in this soap or colorants, just the natural ones (coffee, chocolate). Here is Mocha:

These are on the curing racks as we speak and ready for sale around mid March, so until then have a real cup and when March rolls around you can have your "cup" in the shower too!

Any other favorite drinks you would want to see in soap form? Take it to the comment section and you just might see in my store before you know it.


  1. This looks delicious! How do you keep yourself from eating it?! Can't wait to see what you do once sprint & summer comes - like yummy lemon aid soaps maybe? :)

  2. That sounds delicious too! I can't wait for all the citrusy bars to start being made, yum!
