Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet your Maker {soapmaker, that is}

It dawned on me this weekend that everyone likes to see the face of those that they are buying from. I think it helps us "know" who we choose to buy from. Knowing someone helps us trust that what we are buying is what they say it is. There is a lot of talk out there about knowing where your food comes from, hence buying more food from Farmer's Markets (knowing your food grower) and such. So I thought we could do a little "meet-your-maker" post. I'll tell you a little about me, and those that help support me, and have helped me realize this dream of owning my own business and being an "artist", instead of sitting behind a desk just because it makes money (probably more money). So, hello, my name is Susan:
I am a new transplant to Santa Rosa, Ca. due to a job for my hubby, the opportunity to own a home of our own and great schools for our two boys. Speaking of boys, we have two: Aiden, 6 1/2 years and Liam, just turned 4. We moved in the Summer of 2010 and renovated (almost done, but is it ever done?) our house heavily for the first 4 months. After the dust settled (literally) and we got into the groove of our new schedule I dove back into my soap making. I made it official (you know, with all that paperwork) and am now working from home as a soapmaker. Of course, this all wouldn't be possible without the boys (and man) in my life. This is Lucas (and Liam), my hubby:
He's an auto technician and has been a great supporter to me starting my own business. He helps me think of ways to make sales and possible new soap scents to add to the line-up. Most of all, he believes in me, which means the world to me.

And our boys, oh them boys. Our oldest, Aiden, is a first grader. You all know how first graders look, right?! Well, they are generally toothless, and mine is no different. Meet Aiden:

 And we can't forget little brother, Liam. Liam's been through a lot in his 4 years (two heart surgeries and multiple doctors visits, needle pricks and probes). He is a very strong, courageous boy, which helps me stay strong too. Meet Liam:
So, this is my team. They are my backbone, my support. Without them none of this would be possible or worth it. They push me along with love. So, thank you team, I love you big time.

So I hope you enjoyed hearing a little bit about me and my team. Tell me about you, readers! Where are you from? What keeps you going?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan! So nice to meet you AND your beautiful family. My soap company is called Sirona Springs, and I teach at The Nova Studio as well. I am also lucky enough to have a very supportive partner and a son, so I know how precious that is. You can also find me at my blog ( and Facebook ( Best of luck with your new adventure! -Ruth
